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I thought I would pass on to you some of the really useful links that I use on a regular basis.

Some links relate to Software I use and I will try to give my reasons for why I use it.

And some links are just really cool, 'cos I like the sites!

Opera, now version 9.2 for Windows Mac and Linux

Try the Opera browser. It has tabbed browsing, which Firefox first launched, and it is very easy to switch it into different modes. So for example, if you use a laptop and sometimes can only connect to the internet by a dial up connection, it is useful to disable image download. In Opera, you can do this at the click of a handy button. You can also easily switch to different modes; Accessibility mode, Debug mode, disable tables, Emulate text mode, Hide certain sized elements, Hide non–linking images, High contrast B/W, High Contrast W/B, Show images & Links only, Show structural elements and finally for a bit of Nostalgia one that looks just like a Commodore 64 screen!

We can also use only cached images, or no images, and finally a really clever method that is called 'fit to width' which scales everything to fit whatever width that you set the window — really useful if you use every last sqaure inch of available screen space!

stay secure widget

Also you can download 'widgets', extra web applications, 1152 of them at the last count!... There's even a widget (Stay Secure)that compares the security of all the common browsers! If you currently use IE then you need this browser!!!
But if you have a visual impairment, you can use the 'Voice' facility to control Opera let it speak the content of a web page!
So from my experience I find Opera really useful when I'm designing and testing web pages for user accessibility. I can quickly go to text mode only, or use keyboard navigation when I switch off Javascript.

Well, that's all for now. When I have more time I'll add some more info and links. Come back again and see..

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